Press release ASL03-15(UK)

2 June 2015

Heathrow meter reader sees ASL shortlisted for Comms National Awards

Near real-time data allows airport to accurately cross-charge electricity usage to carriers ASL’s work at Heathrow has seen the M2M communications provider shortlisted for the Comms National Awards 2015.

Heathrow asked ASL to supply an electricity meter reader capable of collecting near real-time data from passenger aeroplanes on stands at Europe’s busiest airport. Up to that point, airlines were invoiced on a time-on-stand basis and the charges did not accurately reflect the amount of electricity used.

ASL’s five-minute reader has enabled Heathrow to cross-charge usage more accurately to the carrier visiting the stand, avoiding the errors formerly produced by estimation. Heathrow estimates that ASL’s solution will help airlines to reduce by five per cent the annual £9m they were previously charged, saving £450,000 a year.

ASL will find out if it has seen off competition in the ‘Best Enterprise Mobile / Mobile Data Solution’ category on 22 October. The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony at the Grand Connaught Rooms in London.

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